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QF_LIA (Application Track)

Competition results for the QF_LIA division as of Fri Jul 13 00:00:31 GMT

Benchmarks in this division : 69
Time limit: 2400s

Winner : Yices2

Result table1

Solver Error Score Correctly Solved Score avg. CPU time avg. WALL time
CVC4 014965752106571.36106041.46
mathsat-5.5.2n 01809705565544.6365092.78
SMTInterpol 01938418783731.5977341.77
Yices2 02004052346597.2646216.93
z3-4.7.1n 02004022167068.9166589.75

n. Non-competing.

1. Scores are computed according to Section 7 of the rules.

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Last modified: Fri 13 Jul 2018 00:07 UTC
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