QF_AX (Unsat Core Track)
Competition results for the QF_AX division as of Thu Jul 12 23:54:00 GMT
Benchmarks in this division : 279
Time limit: 2400s
Sequential Performances |
Parallel Performances |
Yices 2.6.0 | Yices 2.6.0 |
Result table1
Sequential Performance
Solver |
Error Score |
Reduction Score |
avg. CPU time |
SMTInterpol |
0.000 | 357.831 | 1.746 |
Yices 2.6.0 |
0.000 | 34721.052 | 0.022 |
CVC4 |
0.000 | 24662.088 | 5.283 |
mathsat-5.5.2n |
0.000 | 2009.233 | 0.078 |
z3-4.7.1n |
0.000 | 34402.882 | 0.151 |
Parallel Performance
Solver |
Error Score |
Reduction Score |
avg. CPU time |
avg. WALL time |
SMTInterpol |
0.000 | 357.831 | 1.746 | 0.763 |
Yices 2.6.0 |
0.000 | 34721.052 | 0.022 | 0.024 |
CVC4 |
0.000 | 24662.088 | 5.283 | 5.283 |
mathsat-5.5.2n |
0.000 | 2009.233 | 0.078 | 0.078 |
z3-4.7.1n |
0.000 | 34402.882 | 0.151 | 0.151 |
n. Non-competing.
1. Scores are computed according to Section 7 of the rules.
Last modified: Fri 13 Jul 2018 00:07 UTC