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QF_UFLIA (Application Track)

Competition results for the QF_UFLIA division as of Tue Jul 18 22:06:21 GMT

Benchmarks in this division : 780

Winner : CVC4

Result table1

Solver Parallel performance
Error Score Correctly Solved Score avg. CPU time avg. WALL time
CVC4 0764360144184.19144532.15
SMTInterpol 0763662205961.32194528.71
Yices2 0764071279301.47282238.63
mathsat-5.4.1n 0761482219646.54219790.34
z3-4.5.0n 076522728895.9528836.04

n. Non-competing.

1. Scores are computed according to Section 7 of the rules.

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