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NRA (Main Track)

Competition results for the NRA division as of Fri Jul 21 10:18:02 GMT

Benchmarks in this division : 3811


Sequential Performances Parallel Performances

Result table1

Solver Sequential performance Parallel performance Unsolved benchmarks
Error Score Correctly Solved Score CPU time Score Errors Correct Score CPU Score WALL Score Overall In Sequential
CVC4 0.0003776.0003.2670.0003776.0003.2673.2813535
Redlog 0.0003808.0001.0690.0003808.0001.0691.07033
vampire 4.2 0.0003802.0003.2150.0003803.0009.5452.45689
veriT+Redlog 0.0003806.0001.9750.0003806.0001.9861.97855
z3-4.5.0n 0.0003805.0001.9790.0003805.0001.9791.98066

n. Non-competing.

1. Scores are computed according to Section 7 of the rules.

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Last modified: Fri 21 Jul 2017 10:18 UTC
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