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Application track resources

These benchmarks and tools are subject to change until their respective freeze dates, as documented in the SMT-COMP 2011 rules.


Format for results files

Each tarball contains one or two status files for each benchmark:

These files contain one status per line, corresponding to the series of (check-sat) commands in the benchmarks.

Each status line (where different from "unknown") has been determined by running at least 3 different SMT solvers on the set of instances resulted from "unfolding" each incremental benchmark using the scrambler. For *.results.txt, all the results different from "unknown" have been reported by at least 2 different solvers, whereas all the status lines generated by a single solver only (because e.g. the others timed out) have been replaced with "unknown". For *.results_untrusted.txt, the single-solver answer is also included. However, they are marked with an "# untrusted" comment.


Tools for all competition tracks are available on the tools page.

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