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Selected Benchmarks

Please note that the metadata (category and difficulty) of benchmarks used for SMT-COMP'08 benchmark selection may be different than those encoded in benchmark files of the current SMT-LIB release. In some cases even the status (SAT, UNSAT, or UNKNOWN) for benchmarks has been changed due to new evidence that questions the validity of a SAT or UNSAT status.

The benchmark selection process for SMT-COMP'08 is described in the competition rules and further on the benchmark selection page.

Selected Benchmark List

These 2993 benchmarks are the official selected benchmarks for SMT-COMP'08 (statistical details follow). You can download a tarball with all of the benchmarks, scrambled as in competition.

Statistics of Selected Benchmarks

The division breakdown is as follows:

| division  | #   |
| QF_UF     | 200 |
| QF_RDL    | 170 |
| QF_IDL    | 203 |
| QF_UFIDL  | 203 |
| QF_UFLRA  | 200 |
| QF_UFLIA  | 202 |
| QF_LRA    | 202 |
| QF_LIA    | 205 |
| QF_AX     | 200 |
| QF_AUFLIA | 206 |
| QF_BV     | 200 |
| QF_AUFBV  | 200 |
| AUFLIA+p  | 201 |
| AUFLIA-p  | 201 |
| AUFLIRA   | 200 |

By category:

| category   | #    |
| check      |   25 |
| crafted    | 1068 |
| industrial | 1700 |
| random     |  200 |

By difficulty:

| difficulty | #    |
|          0 | 1545 |
|          1 |  320 |
|          2 |  401 |
|          3 |  382 |
|          4 |   31 |
|          5 |  314 |

And by solution:

| solution | #    |
| sat      | 1130 |
| unsat    | 1863 |
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