QF_LIA (Main Track)
Competition results for the QF_LIA division as of Fri Jul 13 00:02:11 GMT
Benchmarks in this division : 6947
Time limit: 1200s
Sequential Performances | Parallel Performances |
Result table1
Sequential Performance
Solver |
Error Score |
Correctly Solved Score |
CPU time Score |
Solved |
Unsolved |
CVC4 |
0.000 |
5891.019 |
194.986 |
6357 |
590 |
Ctrl-Ergo |
0.000 |
6221.467 |
156.086 |
6259 |
688 |
MathSATn |
0.000 |
6135.114 |
164.626 |
6528 |
419 |
SMTInterpol |
0.000 |
5915.623 |
204.123 |
6286 |
661 |
0.000 |
4049.914 |
515.394 |
3112 |
3835 |
0.000 |
6587.626 |
72.048 |
6744 |
203 |
Yices 2.6.0 |
0.000 |
5867.976 |
209.452 |
6232 |
715 |
veriT |
0.000 |
3155.162 |
295.434 |
2734 |
4213 |
z3-4.7.1n |
0.000 |
5733.374 |
224.539 |
6195 |
752 |
Parallel Performance
Solver |
Error Score |
Correctly Solved Score |
CPU time Score |
WALL time Score |
Solved |
Unsolved |
CVC4 |
0.000 | 5891.019 | 194.988 | 194.982 | 6357 | 590 |
Ctrl-Ergo |
0.000 | 6307.810 | 355.784 | 89.538 | 6357 | 590 |
MathSATn |
0.000 | 6135.114 | 164.627 | 164.624 | 6528 | 419 |
SMTInterpol |
0.000 | 5920.370 | 215.278 | 199.167 | 6291 | 656 |
0.000 | 4049.914 | 515.401 | 515.430 | 3112 | 3835 |
0.000 | 6587.626 | 72.048 | 72.037 | 6744 | 203 |
Yices 2.6.0 |
0.000 | 5867.976 | 209.455 | 209.454 | 6232 | 715 |
veriT |
0.000 | 3155.162 | 295.437 | 295.448 | 2734 | 4213 |
z3-4.7.1n |
0.000 | 5733.374 | 224.541 | 224.515 | 6195 | 752 |
n. Non-competing.
1. Scores are computed according to Section 7 of the rules.
Last modified: Fri 13 Jul 2018 00:04 UTC